Wednesday, 26 June 2019

Newspaper column 26 June - Backing Boris

This week I thought I would focus on the Conservative Party Leadership contest, which will also determine who is our next Prime Minister.

As I have previously said, I supported Mark Harper in the first round of voting to be the next leader of the Conservative Party. I did so because I believed he has the character, abilities and experience to do the job in these challenging times.

Disappointingly not enough of my colleagues shared my view and Mark failed to get through the first round. I am proud to have been a part of his campaign team and believe he will have a great deal to offer the new government.

I then needed to now consider who I would back in the coming rounds of voting. This is something to which I gave a great deal of thought. I listened to each of the candidates as well as discussing with my team, other colleagues and local party members.

One thing I think needs to be made clear is that my role in this is as a member of the Conservative Parliamentary Party. Conservative MPs select the candidates down to the final two and then the party members vote for their preferred candidate to be leader. This is not a decision whereby I am representing our constituency as the MP. Therefore, whilst I will of course always listen to the views of local people, it is not a decision I make to represent our constituency but one I make as a Conservative.

I am acutely aware that whatever choice I made, I will please some and displease others. I must decide what I believe is right and best for our country and our constituency, knowing I cannot please everyone.

As I looked at the remaining candidates, any one of them would have made a very good leader and Prime Minister in different times. But these are not normal times. We are living in uniquely challenging political times. We face a political crisis. Not only in delivering Brexit but the very real threat of an extreme left-wing government under Jeremy Corbyn.

Therefore, the choice of who to back needs to be taken in that context. We need someone with the abilities to meet the challenges of the hour, who can inspire and lead our party and country; who has the best chance of not only delivering Brexit but of beating Jeremy Corbyn and securing a Conservative Government for the years ahead. Someone who has a positive vision of our country outside the EU.

Having carefully considered all the candidates it was clear to me that there was one who stands out, who has the abilities we need to meet the challenges of our time. Boris Johnson.
Having spoken with him at length last week, I am convinced that he is the best person to lead us out of the current situation. I also questioned him at length on several issues specifically relevant to Cornwall and I am assured of his commitment to address the needs, concerns and desires we share for our Duchy, including recognising our unique identity and challenges. 

So in the final rounds of MPs voting I supported Boris Johnson and was pleased to see that in the final round he secured the support of a clear majority of Conservative MPs. The second place candidate was Jeremy Hunt and these two will now go on the ballot paper for Conservative Party members to vote in the coming weeks.

Both Jeremy and Boris have many qualities that will make then very good Prime Ministers. However, for similar reasons as to why I supported Boris in the final rounds of MPs voting I believe that he has the qualities we need in the current situation.

So, going forward in this leadership campaign I will be giving my full support to Boris. However, I also believe that we need to have a full and robust process. Boris needs to win the right to be our new leader and so I trust that we are able to have a full and open debate in our Party about the future of our country and that the members of the Conservative Party are able to vote to make the final choice of our new leader knowing what each of the candidates stands for and will deliver for our country.