Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Campaign reply - 'British jobs'

A number of constituents have written to me with a campaign email entitled “ British jobs”

It expresses concern thus: “Research shows that a no-deal Brexit would be bad for the economy…” but fails to then quote from or name the   report so it is impossible to comment further other than to recognise that every forecast that has been produced indicating that leaving the EU would be bad for the UK economy has been wrong. Or wildly wrong.

I seek to reflect the views of the majority of constituents who voted to leave the EU. My postbag leaves me in no doubt that whilst most are ready to see a us leave with a deal if one can been successfully negotiated they are insistent that if such is not settled then we leave with no deal or more accurately on WTO terms. I agree.

It is a farcical negotiating position to take no deal off the table as a default position as it hands all advantage to the EU during talks. So it has to stay if only for that reason. We may well have to accept that outcome if the EU will not agree acceptable terms.