Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Newspaper column 19 June 2019 - Mevagissey Surgery and the NHS People Plan

Last week was another varied one in Parliament with lots going on. I spoke in the Chamber about the Government’s support for the Cornish Protected National Minority Status.

I also hosted an event in Parliament to promote the extraordinary work of the Cornwall Air Ambulance, as well as launching a campaign, in the run up to Fathers’ Day, to encourage dads to read to their children, which not only benefits children in encouraging them to read but strengthens the father/child relationship which can come under so much pressure.

At the beginning of last week I was delighted to see the successful outcome of the campaign to keep Mevagissey Surgery open, when a new partner was found to help run the surgery from Veor Practice in Camborne.

This was a true example of everyone in Mevagissey and the surrounding communities pulling together to run a positive campaign, highlight their situation, which they managed to get international attention for, and work with local NHS decision-makers for the right outcome.

I was pleased to play my part too in raising awareness of the campaign, supporting the community in their immediate aims of highlighting the issue, and stressing how important the surgery is, having visited the sessions held in the surgery by the NHS and met with staff and campaigners. I was able to raise this issue twice in Parliament at the highest levels, secured the support of the Prime Minister and Health Minister, and also, along with the local Cornwall Councillor responding in detail to the NHS consultation on the future of the surgery.

It was a great outcome and a result of the very positive and constructive approach of the campaigners which was in sharp contrast to others who simply chose to snipe negatively from the side lines and accept defeat without even putting up a fight. People came together at every level, concentrated on what they could achieve, and secured the right outcome, something the community of Mevagissey and all concerned can rightly be very proud of.

Something that this situation highlighted was the real challenge we face in many coastal and rural communities in attracting and retaining the NHS staff we need.

With this in mind I was pleased to get confirmation from the Health Minister as a result of my raising this issue in Parliament that the new NHS People Plan released this month contains measures to improve this situation.

Part of the NHS Long Term Plan which was announced in January, the People Plan, sets out a new service model to take more action on prevention and health inequalities, improve quality of care and health outcomes across all major health conditions, harnesses technology to transform services, as well as getting the most out of taxpayer investment. Along with ensuring NHS staff get the backing they need to deliver these outcomes. In particular it includes measures to attract more GPs to coastal and rural areas and steps to ensure we are able to maintain our local health services.

The NHS is a vast organisation and it is vital it is run properly and as efficiently as possible, with the best interests of its patients, staff and the taxpayer at heart. With the NHS People Plan and Long Term Plan things are moving in the right direction and I will continue to ensure the interests and unique challenges of places like Cornwall are recognised when it comes to this in the future.

My team and I are here to serve the whole constituency and work hard to make a real difference to the lives of everyone needing support. The office is open to the public Monday – Friday 10.00am – 4.00pm (no appointment necessary). If there is an issue you would like my assistance on then please, either visit the office or contact me on either 01726 829379 or Additionally, I hold regular, appointment only, advice surgeries across the constituency. Dates of these can be found at: