A number of
constituents have written to me with an email entitled "Why the delay in
introducing tougher sentencing?"
It refers to concerns over the penalties imposed over those who mistreat
animals. As an animal lover myself and with a family who have always owned dogs
and also horses at one point, it remains a mystery to me why anyone should
mistreat animals. Those that do should be brought to justice and dealt with
There is concern that the government's plans to introduce tougher prison
sentences has been forgotten. I do not believe this to be the case and animal
welfare continues to be to the fore. For instance, in recent weeks new
legislation was passed regarding circus performing animals.
Whilst the government is also looking at the abolition of shorter prison
sentences, part of the ongoing consultations will be taking into account how
this effects current sentencing guidelines.
Because of the concern expressed by so many of you and in line with my own
views on these matters I will make a point of raising these issues with
Ministers when I see them.