Monday, 10 June 2019

Newspaper column 12 June 2019 - Spaceport Success

When I first stood for election in 2015 I laid out my priorities which included working to bring inward investment and job creation to Mid-Cornwall. One of the top things I said I would focus on was championing the case for Newquay airport to be the UK’s first horizontal launch Spaceport. Last week this goal took a huge step forward with the announcement of £7.85m funding from the Government for Spaceport Cornwall.

Last week’s announcement is another clear commitment from the Government that they are prepared to invest in Cornwall, in this case backing the superb bid put together by the Spaceport Cornwall team.

When I was first elected it is fair to say that a lot of people saw a bid for Cornwall to get this spaceport as a pipe dream – it is only through the hard work of a great team of people who put together a strong bid, which captured the imagination of people in both the public and private sectors, and win support from the UK Space Agency.

Personally, I have worked hard, both in Parliament and in Cornwall, towards securing this funding, raising it in the House of Commons several times, holding dozens of meetings with government ministers and officials, potential operators and others in the space sector, including recently inviting the Space Minister to the airport so they could see the vision for themselves.

There has been a great team involved including Cornwall Council, the LEP and wider business community, the management team at Cornwall Airport Newquay and Virgin Orbit who have all played their part in making this dream a reality. This really has been a great example of Cornwall pulling together and speaking as one.

Once in operation, the spaceport will be used firstly as a launching point for satellites, from under the wing of a converted Virgin Atlantic jumbo jet. In the future though, other uses, including space tourism are planned. These great developments will bring further investment and create well paid jobs.

Apart from the investment and economic growth, another of my priorities is to create jobs and career opportunities for our young people. The Cornwall Spaceport will not only provide more jobs, but the impact having a world leading space facility on our doorstep will have on our young people will be immeasurable. It will lift the aspirations of generations of Cornish children and inspire them to consider pursuing qualifications and careers in science, technology, electronics and maths.
There is now further work to do before we see the first satellites launched from Cornish soil, but securing this funding is a major step towards this happening.

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