Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Campaign reply - “ A no-deal Brexit,”

A number of constituents have written to me with a campaign email entitled    “ A no-deal Brexit,” and sets out concerns over the NHS and a no deal Brexit.

The link within the email refers to an advert that was placed by 38 degrees, the authors of the email now being sent. It is unfortunate that scare stories continue to circulate and are promoted by any group over the prospect of us leaving the EU. It is poor judgement in my view for any pressure group to whip a story with an advert and then having created that concern, ask supporters to send a campaign email.

The decision to leave the EU was taken at the referendum and article 50 sets out that we will seek a deal with the EU. In the event that proves not possible then we leave on WTO terms.

As has been widely reported on media websites including the BBC, Cabinet Secretary Sir Mark Sedwill said in relation to leaving the EU there had been "a lot of preparation".

He added: "We have got the government in pretty good shape and public services in pretty good shape for it".