Wednesday, 5 June 2019

Campaign response - Please support Human Rights Defenders in Colombia

A number of constituents have recently written to me to ask if I would sign Early Day Motion 2232 on “Inclusive peace and protection of defenders in Colombia".

It is my policy to never sign EDMs, as apart from costing taxpayers unnecessary amounts of money, they rarely achieve anything.

However, the points my constituents raised are of concern to me.

I am well aware of the issue of Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) who are facing repression and abuse as a result of their work to challenge human rights abuses in Colombia and across the world.

I am appalled at reports that in 2017 more than 300 HRDs were killed carrying out their work of defending the fundamental rights of all humans. 

The UK Government has recently updated its Guidelines on Working with HRDs to help British diplomats to better support them, and progress is being made to protect human rights defenders in other countries.

More must be done to ensure that the safety and rights of HRDs around the world, and I have tabled a Written Parliamentary Question to the Foreign Secretary seeking his assurance that the protection of HRDs would be a priority for him and his departmental officials: