Monday 10 December 2018

Campaign reply - Climate change

A few of you have written to me regarding Climate change issues.

Whilst the UK has a track record of leading the debate around Climate change there is always more we can do whilst weighing off the practicalities involved. Of course once we leave the EU it will be easier to set our own rules and regulations and as World leaders in so many areas I believe we can show the way on this too.

In talking with Michael Gove  the environment secretary he makes no bones that urgent action is needed to tackle climate change and prepare for future extreme weather.
In a recent speech he said “It is only by heeding scientific warnings more keenly than ever before that we can safeguard our planet and our species’ survival. He went on to say “It is clear that the planet and its weather patterns are changing before our eyes. We know, more than ever before, the urgency of acting. These projections will give us an invaluable tool to assess the nature and scale of the challenge we face and take decisions accordingly.”

I agree. In my role on the Transport Committee, issues around emissions and cleaner transport often arise. This is a key factor in UK emissions as around one third is generated by transport. So cleaner vehicles and trains is a great way to reduce pollution and there have been dramatic reductions in recent years. The advent of the zero emission car on our roads is dawning and will soon be the norm. Train operators are looking at hydrogen powered trains (again zero emissions on the track) and it heartening to see the resounding success of our privately owned railways where passenger numbers have doubled taking thousands of car journeys from our roads.

I recently met with a Bus manufacturer who has in use a fleet of hybrid buses happily running all day using “opportunity charging” (they take a charge automatically when stopping at bespoke bus stops). These innovations can transform pollutions levels.
In the air, the first all-electric prototype aircraft, after years of experimentation has seen a dramatic breakthrough with the prospect we will one day see zero emission flight.

From these early but vital moves the greening of our transport is rapidly developing.

The news that Bristol has declared a Climate Emergency is interesting although my concern remains that the declaration is fruitful in producing a reduction in emissions and is not just hot air.

Caring for our environment is a responsibility of us all and doing something about it is key. My involvement with Surfers against Sewage has seen the whole issue of plastics in our seas and coastline suddenly take on huge interest from  the public at large. Many have cut out single use plastics wherever they can and also join with me and others on beach cleans and the like. The beaches are cleaner but more importantly the whole issue of our environment and the climate has risen up the ladder so that there is greater awareness and action and changing lifestyle choices.

Declarations have their place but action is far more valuable. If anyone would like to join our next beach clean, please subscribe to my newsletter where future dates will be announced. 

Details can be found here: