Wednesday 18 July 2018

Gay conversion therapies

Thank you for writing to me regarding your concerns for the Government’s plans to ban gay conversion therapies.

The proposed ban is a response to the deeply-troubling accounts of conversion therapies expressed in the recent National LGBT survey.

‘Conversion’ or ‘reparative’ therapies range from pseudo-psychological treatments to surgical interventions, and is known to include practices such as electroshock therapy and the administering of nausea-inducing drugs.

While I welcome the government’s intention to eradicate these appalling and abusive practices through outlawing gay conversion therapies, it is vitally important that the freedom of Christian churches and other faith organisations to express and exercise their beliefs is not stifled by this proposed ban. I am also concerned that people who may be struggling with their sexuality and seek help, support and advice, are able to do so, including from churches and other Christian organisations.

The Government will be presenting more details for the proposed ban in the UK in due course. I will be following developments closely and will be speaking out in Parliament to ensure that this proposal does not undermine the work of faith groups that are seeking offer genuine and legitimate support to LGBT people, and their rights to express and exercise their beliefs.