Thursday, 11 July 2019

Campaign reply - Proroguing Parliament, Suspending parliament and Stop no Deal Brexit.

A number of constituents have sent me campaign emails entitled variously Proroguing Parliament, Suspending parliament and Stop no Deal Brexit. All have the same wording in the body of the email and emanate from 38 degrees org.

The debate over leaving the EU has been contentious and I have genuine respect for those who would rather see us stay in the EU. The referendum settled that and Article 50 passed by an overwhelming majority of the House sets out that we will seek a deal with the EU but if that proves impossible then we would leave with no deal. My preference is we find a deal that is fair to all. However the default must be that we are ready to leave with no deal should that prove unachievable – not least because it is a critical element of the negotiations that we are ready to do so.

Those that seek to delay or prevent the democratic decision of the 2016 referendum from being enacted are quite prepared to see Parliament, through the Speaker, overturn long established procedures of the House of Commons in order to achieve their aims. These same people seem horrified when those who seek to respect the referendum result consider doing likewise.  

Whilst I  would not want to see any decision to prorogue Parliament taken lightly, the government must have all means at its disposal to ensure the referendum result is honoured.