Thank you to those who sent me a copy of the
campaign email regarding the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG)
for Ancient Woodland and Veteran Trees.
My interest in protecting our environment and
improving it are well known and I continue to work with conservation groups
such as Greenpeace and the Ocean Conservation APPG.
There is much to do in this area and one I have
focused on is the reduction of single use plastics and the prevention of
plastic pollution in waterways, oceans and countryside. We should see shortly
the introduction of reverse vending machines to increase recycling rates of
plastic bottles – millions are sold each day in the UK. All these measures help
protect, improve our environment as well ensuring the removal of harmful and
unsightly litter.
The APPG for Ancient Woodland and Veteran Trees is
another worthy cause and whilst I will endeavour to attend the AGM I am already
fully committed with other Parliamentary business.
For those who have troubled to send me a copy of
the campaign email I believe it shows your keen interest in our environment and
with that in mind I would be delighted if you would join me and my team of
volunteers on beach cleans and the like. Details of upcoming events can be
found here: