Thursday, 16 January 2020

Campaign reply - Animal cruelty sentencing

Thank you to those who have sent me a copy of a campaign email regarding animal cruelty sentencing.

Animals are mentioned many times in the Conservative manifesto and as an animal lover I welcome the actions proposed. The document sets out :

Animal Welfare:

High standards of animal welfare are
one of the hallmarks of a civilised
society. We have a long tradition of
protecting animals in this country,
often many years before others follow.
Under a Conservative Government, that
will continue – and we will continue to
support such efforts overseas.

We will introduce tougher
sentences for animal cruelty.

 We will crack down on the illegal
smuggling of dogs and puppies.

 We will bring in new laws on animal

 We will end excessively long
journeys for slaughter and fattening
– one of the many benefits of
leaving the European Union.

 We will bring the ivory ban into
force and extend it to cover other
ivory-bearing species, and ban
imports from trophy hunting of
endangered animals.

 We will ban keeping primates as pets.

 We will bring forward cat
microchipping, giving cat owners
peace of mind and increasing the
measures we have available to tackle

I have already led a Westminster Hall debate calling for banning of live animal export for slaughter and will continue to support legislation that improves the lives of animals and was delighted to hear the Prime Minister make reference to banning this during Prime Ministers Questions.