Monday, 28 October 2019

Campaign response – 5000% increase in aid funding for abortion provider - please sign motion

Recently some constituents have written to me to ask if I would sign an Early Day Motion (EDM) that has been tabled calling on the Government to cut international development funding provided to abortion provider Marie Stopes International (MSI).

As a principle I never sign early day motions as they very rarely achieve anything whilst at the same time running up costs to the tax payer.

However as a pro-life MP I am concerned about the reports that have been brought to my attention about taxpayer’s money being channelled into supporting an abortion provider.

I am pleased that my colleague and friend Lord Alton has recently raised this issue in the House of Lords, saying: “Marie Stopes has been prevented by some Governments from functioning after performing illegal abortions in their countries. It has also been investigated by the Care Quality Commission, who said it had endangered the safety of women in the UK, and that one woman bled to death after having an abortion in one of their clinics in London.”

I will be seeking to bring this matter and the points constituents made to the attention of the International Development Secretary when I next see him, and to seek a full response from his department.