Wednesday, 21 April 2021

Newspaper column 21 April 2021 - Keeping Mid-Cornwall tidy!

With the COVID restrictions further easing over the past couple of weeks and the great weather we have been having, it has been good to see so many people out and about enjoying the sunshine and the beautiful countryside and beaches in Cornwall.

However, with the increased outdoor activity, and the fact that many of the pubs and restaurants that have now re-opened are doing so on a takeaway basis only, we have seen a massive increase in littering  - something which really blights our countryside and coastal areas and makes it unpleasant for everyone who lives or visits here.

I have always been clear that we should all do our bit to keep where we live tidy – and the vast majority of people do this. But there is a small minority who ruin it for everyone. Littering is a crime after all, and people who litter should be treated accordingly. It is unacceptable that there are those who feel they are above the law and choose to leave their litter for someone else to clear up. We should all be responsible for our own litter, by putting in a bin, or if the bin is full or there isn’t one nearby, taking our own rubbish home with us. It is the right thing to do both for our environment and our communities.

In my time as Member of Parliament for St Austell and Newquay I have always supported our local litter pickers and also organised my own to do my bit to clean our communities clean and tidy. With the easing of restrictions this is something I hope to get back to soon and I hope to be able to arrange some, in a Covid-safe manner over the next couple of weeks, to coincide with World Earth Day.

As well as doing our bit locally, I am also involved with a number of groups in Parliament that look to tackle these issues on a wider scale. I am pleased to be a member of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Keep Britain Tidy, as well as Chair of the Ocean Conservation All Party Parliamentary Group, which works with Cornish-based charity Surfers Against Sewage. Both Keep Britain Tidy and Surfers Against Sewage have done commendable work over the years in raising the profile of why we should absolutely not be littering in any environment, as well as running nationwide campaigns that get thousands of people together to take part in litter picks or beach cleans every year.

So, what is needed to tackle the littering scourge is joined up action, not just people working locally to tackle the issue itself, but also the good work of national groups to bring about the culture change that we need to make litterers think again before dropping their rubbish. This needs to be combined with stronger penalties and more committed enforcement from local authorities like Cornwall Council, who are responsible for issuing fines for littering. We all have a part to play in stopping littering and keeping our Cornwall tidy for residents and visitors alike.

My team and I are here to serve the whole constituency and work hard to make a real difference to the lives of everyone needing support. The office is open to the public Monday – Friday 10.00am – 4.00pm. If there is an issue you would like my assistance with then please contact me on either 01726 829379 or