Thank you to constituents for writing to me to draw
my attention to plight facing girls around the world in the midst of
humanitarian crises who are unable to feel safe, healthy and access quality
Of course, girls in crises anywhere in the world
matter to me.
I appreciate their stand in solidarity with these
girls and I will hope to voice their concerns to the International Development
Secretary directly when I next see her.
I am assured that much work has already been done
by DFID to raise awareness and tackle some of the issues facing the most
disadvantaged and vulernable girls in the world.
For instance, the Girls’ Education Challenge (GEC)
was launched by the UK in 2012 as a 12 year commitment to reach the most
marginalised girls in the world and is the largest global fund dedicated to
girls’ education:
The UK is committed to ensuring over a million
girls in some of the poorest countries, including girls who have disabilities
or are at risk of being left behind, receive a quality education.
However I regret to inform them that due to a
longstanding commitment I will not be able to attend the event on 4 March.
But I will be asking for a copy of the report Our
Vision will be reading the contents and recommendations of the report with
great interest.