Monday, 25 March 2019

Campaign response – Will you protect UK aid?

Recently some constituents have contacted me to say that they are “worried that some media outlets and politicians continue to call for this budget to be slashed” and would like to seek my support on maintaining our international aid budget and commitment to the supporting the poorest and  the most vulnerable in the international community.

I am proud of the UK’s commitment to spend 0.7% of our budget in international aid, which is helping to build a safer, healthier, more prosperous world for people in developing countries and in the UK.

British aid goes towards vaccinating children from preventable diseases, enabling them to go to school and helping people work their way out of poverty, as well as providing food, nutrition and medical care.

Foreign aid also provides added value to our security and trade policies. Foreign development assistance can often make an important contribution towards in supporting stability and sustainable development for the recipient country, leading to better foreign relations and prospect for a more preferential trade deal with them.

It is in our interest to maintain our foreign aid policy because it also helps to promote UK interests abroad and ensure our position as the world’s leading soft power nation is secure.

While it is important that we deliver value for money to taxpayers and I will continue to press ministers to make the necessary changes to ensure this happens, I would like to see the Government continue its commitment to international aid and will be speaking up for its ability to transform lives and tackle the root causes of global issues.