Friday, 29 March 2019

Campaign reply - 'Message from Constituent xxxxxxx and then argues for a second referendum.'

A number of constituents have emailed with a campaign email entitled " Message from Constituent xxxxxxx and then argues for a second referendum.

What is most intriguing is the novel way found of asking the same question in a different way.

So to the latest email asking for a second referendum: The remix of the same old arguments on matters I have already covered is not going to invoke a different reply than those already given.

Further it should bring reassurance that the house has looked at a second referendum twice and both times it has been voted down. The idea has been examined and rejected twice over. There is no prospect as far as I can see that it will be looked at again - nor should it.

A search of my earlier blog posts will cover the matter and for the avoidance of doubt I will never support a second referendum.