Wednesday, 22 May 2024

Newspaper column 22 May 2024 - DWP and WorkWell

As I have written previously, our Department for Work and Pensions teams in St Austell and Newquay play an excellent and often overlooked role in supporting some of our most vulnerable people back into work, as well as ensuring people who are temporarily out of work for whatever reason are quickly able to access the skills and help needed to get another job.

Last week in Parliament, during questions to Department for Work and Pensions Ministers, I highlighted the fact that we have achieved an 80.2% employment rate locally, which is well above the national average. We also have got some great opportunities for the jobs of the future coming through in renewable energy, lithium extraction and the space sector and I asked about plans to help us capitalise on these sectors. The Minister in reply spoke about the DWP’s partnership team, which is working with local employers such as Naked Solar to design sector-based work programmes and fill potential vacancies. This is something I very much support and I hope the DWP’s partnership team will go on to work with all of the sectors I mentioned above, and more in order to ensure people living locally are able to benefit from the high-skilled well paid jobs that are going to be available as these industries continue to grow.

In other positive employment news for our constituency, it’s recently been good to see more details of the DWP’s WorkWell scheme, which will be piloted in Cornwall, along with 14 other areas from October of this year.

Someone’s disability or health condition should not define them and in particular, whether they remain in the workplace or not. However long-term sickness is the most common reason for economic inactivity in the UK and has grown in recent years, at the same time increasing the amount of public money that is spent on providing benefits.

The £64 million WorkWell pilot will connect people with a health condition or disability to local support services including physiotherapy and counselling to help them stay in or return to work. It will see our local DWP and NHS organisations working together to deliver positive outcomes for people with long term health conditions in order to help support them back into work.

For example, a GP could refer a patient with a bad back to WorkWell, where an adviser may contact their workplace to make adjustments such as flexible working or relocating their office to the ground floor, and help them access physiotherapy.

This is a new and exciting way of working and one that I am sure our local DWP teams and NHS will welcome. I look forward to seeing the WorkWell pilot begin and help those who need it, access the support necessary to improve their lives.

As ever, if I can be of assistance on any matter, my office is available for any constituents needing help, advice or guidance – tel: 01726 829379 or email: