The last week has been another challenging week in Parliament.
Firstly, I was pleased to be able to speak a number of times
in the chamber, including asking a question at Prime Minister’s Questions to
ask Boris Johnson for more support for our local airport.
I was then pleased to welcome the Tourism Minister, Nigel
Huddleston to our constituency. I hosted a meeting with local tourism
businesses at the Headland Hotel in Newquay, where he was able to hear first
hand the impact of the pandemic on tourism businesses, the help that government
support has provided, and their concerns about the coming months.
Then on Friday I was able to take him to the Eden Project to
see for himself how they have adapted to be Covid secure to allow visitors back
There is no substitute for government ministers seeing for
themselves the situation we face here in Cornwall and listening directly to the
businesses effected. I know he has taken back a very clear picture of the
ongoing help we will need.
Obviously, the big issue of the last few days has been the
concern about the rising levels of Coronavirus around the country. At the time
of writing this column we are still waiting to hear from the Prime Minister in
his statement to Parliament on Tuesday what further measures may be taken to
fight the spread of the virus.
Whilst the number of cases in Cornwall remains low compared
to the rest of the country, the numbers are increasing. Although it was widely
expected that we would see an increase as autumn approached, the rate at which
the virus appears to be spreading is causing the government, based on the
evidence and advice of health experts, to look closely at what further measures
will be needed.
There is a very clear message to all of us, that it is vital
we keep to the restrictions in place. The new rule of 6, which limits the
number of people who can meet in any setting to six, has been in place for just
over a week and it is crucial that we all play our part and keep to this rule.
There is no escaping the fact that it is down to every one
of us to be responsible and take all the steps necessary to keep ourselves and
others safe.
The Chief Medical Officer, Chris Witty, made this very
important point in his statement on Monday, that fighting this virus has to be
a collective effort. Whilst some of us may think the risk to us personally is
very low, we cannot just think about ourselves. Every person who catches the
virus, never mind the symptoms we experience, will be a carrier that risks
those around us from catching it.
We are seeing the number of cases double roughly every week.
We know from our own previous experience and from watching what is happening in
other countries that we need to get on top of this virus once again or it will
run out of control.
Previously, as a country, and a local community we brought
the virus down, but all the evidence shows it is seeking to come back. Whatever
the government decides, and the PM announces, it will be with one aim in mind,
to limit the spread and save lives.
I know for many people and businesses any further
restrictions will be hard to take and I will make sure those views and concerns
are heard. If we experience any further restrictions that have a negative
impact on local businesses I will seek further support from the government.
Additionally, I will continue to do all I can to ensure our local health and
care services get the support they need.
I was pleased that the government announced a further
£500,000 to support care homes in Cornwall and enable them to prevent the
spread of infection in the coming months. This is very welcome and I will seek
to ensure Cornwall Council spend this money in the most effective way, to keep
our elderly and most vulnerable parts of our community safe.
I know we are once again entering uncertain times. My office
team and myself will continue to do all we can to provide support and advice,
and answer any questions you may have. So if you feel we can help please do get
in touch. Email
tel. 01726 829379