you to all those constituents who have been in touch regarding the re-opening
of schools. There have been several different campaigns regarding this
proposal, and I hope to address as many of these concerns as possible within
this post.
do understand this is a worrying time for many people. As we emerge from the
lockdown there are many questions and concerns regarding the proposed changes
as none of us have ever lived through a situation quite like this.
please let me say the government continues to follow the expert medical and
scientific advice in all the decisions that are made. The proposal to re-open
school is only being considered because we believe it is safe to do so. The
spread of the virus is largely under control and the infection rate and death
rate has been falling steadily for several weeks. It is only in this context
that these decisions are being taken. Protecting the health and safety of the
British public is, and must always be, our number one priority. That goal has
guided the Government’s actions so far, and will continue to do so, both now
and in the future. The welfare of children and staff is at the heart of all
decisions being taken on this proposal.
are now entering a period where the negative risks to children not attending
school is as much of a concern than the potential risks to children attending
school. We are very sadly seeing a rise in rates of depression among children
and there are many vulnerable children who have had no contact with their
peers, teachers and other key members of their support networks throughout this
very challenging period. We are also extremely mindful of the significant
negative impacts of poverty, both in the short and long-term, for children
whose parents are unable to work or who could lose their jobs due to the
coronavirus. Whilst the government has put in place unprecedented packages of
support, targeting those on the lowest incomes, there will inevitably be those
families who fall through the gaps. By increasing school provision, many
parents will be able to either increase or take up work which has a range of
emotional as well as financial benefits.
we initially closed schools, the estimated infection rate within the community
was between 4-10%. Schools were therefore shut to reduce the number of social
interactions between non-household members and help to reduce the spread of the
virus. We now believe the infection rate within the community is 0.27% and
whilst this means of course there is still a risk, it is significantly lower.
It is also important to keep in mind that even before Coronavirus, deadly
infectious diseases existed within the population and no infectious disease has
ever been completely eradicated, with the exception of smallpox. As we now
believe the risks to children’s wellbeing and long-term prospects of not
attending school is higher than the risk posed by the spread of the Coronavirus,
we are looking to introduce a phased return to schools. This does not mean we
expect every school to open or every pupil to attend, and this will be not be
implemented without significant safeguards in place. All of this is dependent
on the continued progress of our fight against the virus and any further steps
to ease the lockdown will only be taken if it is safe to do so.
government guidance regarding the reopening of schools is also available online
and is continually being reviewed and updated, as appropriate. I would
encourage any constituents with concerns to read the guidance on these
proposals. The link to this guidance is as follows:
is worth noting that other countries have opened their schools, some did so
several weeks ago. They have managed to operate schools safely and there have
been no reported adverse effects from this.
years are vital in children’s educational development, which is also in part
why the government is looking to open early years settings first. Neurological
research shows that early years plays a key role in children’s brain
development including building important skills such as socialising with other
children and adults, communication and language as well as forming the
foundations for autonomy and independence, and developing their personality and
preferences. School settings are designed to promote positive development and
teachers are professionally trained to provide children with the best
educational start, supported by pastoral staff whose priority is the welfare of
all pupils. All teachers and senior leads in schools within Cornwall also have access
to high level professional training on emotional resilience and mental health
and at least two staff from each school are trained to deliver one to one and
group sessions for any children who may benefit from additional support. There
is also further support available through the HeadStart Kernow programme.
Whilst I do of course appreciate parents’ concerns about their children
returning to schools, and I would like to reassure all parents the government
will not be forcing parents to send their children to school, I believe it is
important for them to keep all of the above in mind when making this decision.
regard to specific queries about what measures are being put into place to keep
all pupils and staff safe, the government has produced specific guidance for
schools which is also available online using the link below:
outlines the recommended practices schools can adopt to minimise infection,
such as regularly cleaning surfaces and encouraging good hygiene (regular
hand-washing) as well as making simple steps to reduce the number of pupils and
staff mixing, such as changing classroom layouts and staggered break times. As
I have already highlighted, the government is not expecting all pupils to
return to school immediately, and anyone who is shielding would of course be
encouraged to stay at home. In some cases, it may be necessary for providers to
introduce a temporary cap on numbers to ensure that safety is prioritised. The
recommendation is for every school to undertake a risk assessment before making
any decision regarding reopening. For parents of children who are vulnerable,
but not in the shielding category, they should seek medical advice as to
whether it is safe for their child to return to a school setting.
safety of children, staff and their families is of the utmost importance and
therefore schools would only reopen if it is safe to do so. The government is
seeking constructive engagement with teachers and unions to draw up further
guidance. It is important to highlight a significant number of schools have
remained open during the lockdown for children of critical workers and
vulnerable children and have therefore already put in place protective
measures, including ensuring pupils do not attend if they or a member of their
household has symptoms, keeping children in small groups and minimising
contact, and cleaning surfaces more frequently. This proposal is looking to
enhance and expand this offer, in a safe and sensible way.
would also like to take this opportunity to again thank all those teachers and
other school staff for their dedication and hard-work in providing this
essential service for vulnerable children and children of key workers. Schools
have also been continuing to provide Free School Meals for the most vulnerable
families and I am grateful for all the staff involved in ensuring these
children have had this vital support.
government recognises it is impossible to expect young children to socially
distance, which is why we are looking at using the ‘bubble’ model where
children returning to school will be grouped with a small number of other
pupils and staff. They will effectively become an extended household, and if
anyone within this group is symptomatic, they will all be asked to isolate. As
recently announced, anyone over the age of 5 is now able to access testing and
if testing is negative, they will be able to safely return to school. The fewer
the number of social interactions all of us have, the safer it will be to relax
restrictions, supported by the test, track and trace programmes to quickly identify
and isolate any new infections. The bubble model will enable children to have
positive social interaction in a safe and responsible way.
research is suggesting that children are less likely to contract the virus, and
where children do contract they virus they tend to experience very mild
symptoms. There is some evidence to suggest they are also less likely to
transmit the virus to others and this is being explored by researchers as there
are very few reported cases of adults contracting the virus from children.
There have also been no reported outbreaks in schools around the world which
suggests that with appropriate safeguards, schools are low risk environments
for all attending. There is a potential for teachers and school staff to pose a
risk to one another, which is why it is recommended that as much as possible
school staff all adhere to social distancing with one another. We recognise
this may not always be possible, and therefore staff can be assigned within the
bubble model, so that staff are limited to close-contact interaction with other
staff within your bubble and social distancing is maintained with staff in
other bubbles.
youngest pupils are typically those who are least able to socially distance,
they are also at the lowest risk to the effects of the Coronavirus and
typically have the smallest number of social connections both inside and
outside of school settings which reduces the likelihood of them mixing with
those outside their household or bubble. The youngest pupils are also at the
earliest stage of their education, which research consistently shows is one of
the most vital stages for their development as I outlined above. However there
are older pupils who are at key stages of their education, and this is why they
are also being considered as a priority for a return to school settings, such
as Year 6 pupils who are due to make the key transition from primary to
secondary schools in September.
taking this staggered approach, this also allows us to monitor the effect of
each of these decisions and if there is any indication that infection rates are
increasing, immediate action would be taken.
would also like to take this opportunity to reiterate that the government will
not fine any parents who choose to keep their children home and therefore if
anyone, after considering all of the above, feels it is not right for their
children to return to schools at this time, then they would not face any
negative repercussions for this choice.
everything will be done to ensure children and staff are as safe as possible as
they return to school, we also have to accept that we cannot remove all risk,
whether that is from Coronavirus or other dangers. Until we have an effective
vaccine there will always be a risk of a further outbreak. However it could be
several months or even a year before a vaccine is widely available, if ever. It
is unrealistic to expect schools to remain closed until this is achieved.
Therefore, it is right that we work together to allow children to return to
school whilst doing everything we can to minimise the risk. This has been the
approach taken in other areas such as food retail and other essential services
and it should be the approach now taken by schools.
need to work together in the best interests of our children and wider
communities. Getting our children back to school as soon as possible is
important for a number of reasons and I really hope everyone who needs to will
work together to find a way for this to happen.
again to all those who have been in touch about this important issue, and I
trust this is reassuring to you.