Thursday, 26 March 2020

COVID-19: Holiday-makers and tourism

During these difficult times the Government has made its guidance very clear:

  •           Stay at home, at your primary residence
  •          Avoid unnecessary travel
I have made the strongest representations in order to try to stop people from coming on holiday to Cornwall in the coming weeks. Doing so would place an unacceptable and dangerous burden on our NHS.

You may have seen my open letter, along with the Leader of Cornwall Council, which was published on 20 March. I have included a link below for your convenience.

I also made several posts on social media that were seen by nearly a million people, as well as national and local interviews on television and radio, one of which you can see via the link below:

As of 23 March Government has now closed all hotels, campsites and caravan parks, along with cafes, restaurants, pubs and other venues and told people they should avoid all unnecessary travel and remain at their primary residence. Strong measures for these unprecedented times.

I have included a list of all premises that have been advised to close below:

I hope this will further stop people coming on holiday or travelling unnecessarily.

If you believe anyone is breaching these rules, then it is a police matter and I suggest you call them to report it on 101.

I will continue to do all I can to ensure these messages are communicated clearly, but if there is anything more you want assistance with, do get in touch and I will do what I can to help.