Some constituents have been in touch with a
campaign email over concerns regarding HS2 -the high speed rail network.
You may be aware that the government is currently
reviewing the scheme and a report is expected later this year.
HS2, a Labour government inspired scheme from 2009
has been controversial on a range of matters and there is growing concern that
the overall cost is going to be considerably higher than first thought. This is
The route for HS2 (should it go ahead) has always
been contentious and there are many interested parties that have expressed
concerns from inception.
It is worth noting that one of the greenest forms
of transport is of course rail, so a balance must be struck with meeting the
needs of travel in the UK and the impact it may have following its
construction. I am aware that considerable thought and planning has been given
to environmental issues but note the concerns raised.
Before commenting further, I will wait to see what
is in the government review and will also take into account the various
matters raised.