Wednesday, 21 August 2019

Newspaper column 21 August 2019 - The Prime Minister's visit to Cornwall

Even though the weather wasn’t the best last week, it was good to be put and about in the constituency for the Summer Recess, meeting with local people on a variety of issues.

I met with Kernow Men’s Society, as well as students working with Young People Cornwall on their National Citizenship Service project in St Austell.

On Wednesday I also held another well attended Meet your MP event at the Sawles Arms in Carthew. We discussed the £79m government funded link road from the A30 to St Austell, as well as a diverse number of local and national issues.

My next Meet your MP event is at the Boscawen Hotel in St Dennis, next Tuesday 27th August from 1800-1930. Please do come along if you would like to meet me in an informal session to discuss any issues you’d like to raise.

On Monday along with some of my Cornish MP colleagues I was delighted to welcome the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson to Cornwall.

The Prime Minister visited Treliske Hospital in a follow up to the recent fantastic announcement of £100million for a new mother, baby and children's hospital, the largest funding amount for any single NHS Trust made in the announcement.

As well as this the Prime Minister also met with myself and the other Cornish MPs, our Police and Crime Commissioner Alison Hernandez and local councillors to discuss all things Cornish.

While Brexit was obviously high on the agenda, it was also good to see politicians at every level united in making the case to the Prime Minister for continued investment in Cornwall and for us to increase funding in all sorts of areas, including education, policing, and infrastructure .

Fair funding for rural areas such as Cornwall is something I have long championed. I believe the funding models used by past successive governments simply do not recognise the increased costs to deliver services that rural areas bear compared to urban areas. This is particularly amplified in our police funding, which also does not take into account seasonal population adjustments, with the millions of extra people who holiday in Cornwall every year placing increased demands on our police.

I was pleased to see the Prime Minister listen to our concerns and assured us of his determination to ‘level up’ all areas of the country. He also reaffirmed his priorities -  Brexit with or without a deal on 31 October, more police and better education funding and ensuring the record levels of NHS funding get to the frontline, all underpinned by a strong economy which is required to fund all our public services .

The is no doubt in my mind that Boris Johnson is providing the positive leadership and delivering what we need.

My team and I are here to serve the whole constituency and work hard to make a real difference to the lives of everyone needing support. The office is open to the public Monday – Friday 10.00am – 4.00pm (no appointment necessary). If there is an issue you would like my assistance on then please, either visit the office or contact me on either 01726 829379 or Additionally, I hold regular, appointment only, advice surgeries across the constituency. Dates of these can be found at: