Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Newspaper column 15 May 2019 - The EU elections

Next week sees the European Parliamentary elections on Thursday 23 May.

That we have to take part in them, when we should have left the EU on 29 March is a failure of our political establishment to enact the will of the British people, as expressed in the referendum result in 2016.

Not only did we have the referendum result in 2016 but since then Members of Parliament have voted overwhelmingly, in 2017, for us to leave the EU on 29 March.

It remains a huge source of frustration to me that we have not left yet, and this is shared by many of you who I speak to around Mid-Cornwall when I am out and about every week.

The message I hear, is, “Parliament asked us, we gave them our answer. We trusted Parliament to deliver the result of the Referendum – why is this not happening?”

People are rightly upset about this, people who voted leave or remain in 2016, as they respect the democratic vote and expect Parliament to just get on with it and leave. The delay until 31 October that we now have, has done nothing but prolong the uncertainties around what Brexit will look like for another few months, while doing nothing to stop the logjam in Parliament about how we come to a solution.

I of course understand the frustration that many will feel and that they will wish to take this opportunity to make their feeling known on Brexit in the EU election.  I know that many will see this election as a way of re-enforcing the result of the referendum. If the vote is a clear win for parties that are committed to respecting the referendum and leaving the EU and it will kill off any talk of a 2nd Referendum.

However, as always, however you decide to vote I encourage everyone to take part in this election and cast your vote. The right to vote was hard won and we should never take it for granted.

I will of course be voting Conservative in next Thursday’s election as our party remains committed to taking the UK out of the EU. Elected Conservative MEPs will use what little time we have in the EU (the European Parliament does not even sit until July, and has August off), to represent the best interests of Britain and ensure that they do their bit in the EU to vote for us to leave when the time comes.

Regardless of the results of the European Elections, I will be working in Parliament to see us leave the EU as soon as possible, hopefully before 31 October, if not before the MEPs take their seats, and then move on to tackle the other pressing issues this country faces post Brexit.

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