Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Newspaper column 28 June 2017 - Transport infrastructure investment in Cornwall

After a busy time in Parliament last week it was great on Thursday to go down to Penzance and see the new intercity bullet train that Hitachi is testing for the Penzance to Plymouth line ahead of the full rollout of the new rolling stock in 2018.

The new trains, along with investment in the signalling system, will create more capacity on the mainline to London as well as cutting about 15 minutes of the travel time and providing much better onboard facilities.

This new £400million investment is another example of the current record levels of investment into Cornwall’s transport system.
On 14th July we are also seeing the completion of the dualling of the A30 at Temple. This has seen Highways England and the Department for Transport, along with Cornwall Council, invest £59 million into improving this vital stretch of the road.

In return it will cut congestion for visitors and commuters using the A30 to get to Mid-Cornwall. By reducing business costs and improving productivity (and generating more employment as a result), the wider economic benefits of dualling the road have been put at more than £134m to the Cornish economy.

With the Temple Project completed I am continuing to work with all involved to bring forward the plans for the crucial link road from the A30 to St Austell and the surrounding area. These plans have been supported by the Government and will provide a direct road from the A30 to the A391, bypassing currently congested villages including Roche, Bugle and Stenalees as well as providing more immediate access to St Austell from Cornwall Airport Newquay. We are in the final stages of securing the funding for this project and good progress is being made.

I have also been making the case for funding for Phase 2 of the Newquay Strategic Route that is essential in order to cope with the increase in housing being developed in and around Newquay and will continue to work with Cornwall Council to ensure this new road is built as soon as possible.

On the subject of Cornwall Airport Newquay it was great to see the new Space Industry Bill, announced as part of the Queen’s Speech last week. This will introduce new powers to permit launches from British soil.

Since becoming MP I have championed Cornwall Airport Newquay as the best location for the first UK Spaceport. This is an amazing opportunity for the investment and better paid jobs we need in mid-Cornwall. It is clear with our prime location, Aerohub Enterprise Zone, proximity to Goonhilly Earth Station and existing infrastructure that Newquay is the frontrunner. I will continue to do all I can to work with the Government, LEP and space industry to bring the Spaceport to Cornwall.

Of course, these are just some of the ways in which the Government is investing into Cornwall's infrastructure. There is a popular myth that is often stated that central Government neglects Cornwall. The fact is that Cornwall is currently in the midst of the biggest transport infrastructure investment ever – new roads, new trains and improvements to the railways, new buses and support and opportunities for our airport. There is still loads more to do but we are making good progress. I will continue to champion these and other existing projects, as well as working on your behalf to lobby for and attract more funding and investment to make our constituency and Cornwall as a whole a better place to live, work and grow up in.

As always, my team and I are here to serve the whole constituency and work hard to make a real difference to the lives of everyone needing support. If there is an issue you would like my assistance on then please contact me on either 01726 829379 or Additionally, I hold regular, appointment only, advice surgeries across the constituency. Dates of these can be found at: